Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog-Writing Prompt #6

What is your favourite memory of Chinese New Year? Provide details using all five senses.

My favourite memory of Chinese New Year was when my father got confused and gave me the red packet which was meant for my grandmother and gave my grandmother my red packet. When my father passed me my red packet, I felt that it was thicker than usual but he did not realise the difference in the red packets he have me and my sister as my sister's red packet was given to her by my mother. After all fifteen days, I happily opened up the red packet and saw many $100 notes. When I compared with my sister whose red packet had more money, she cried and complained to my mother about the difference in the money in our red packets.

My father quickly checked with my grandmother about the amount of money in the red packet she received the next day. He realised that he had given the wrong red packet to the wrong person. But, he was too late to realise his mistake as I went to bank in my money after school before returning home. My father had no choice but to spend some more money to renovate part of my grandmother's house in an attempt to make up for the amount of money he did not give to my grandmother he wanted to give.

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