Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blog-Writing Prompt #15

Think about the fact that you will one day have to do National Service military duty.
In a SEE paragraph, discuss the following: Making NS mandatory develops Singaporean boys into men. Do you agree?
Include a concrete example to back up your stand.
Be specific with your elaboration.

I agree with the fact that making NS mandatory develops Singaporean boys into men. NS puts guys who are not that mature to go through military experience and trainings. The trainings in NS are usually very tough, which would train the boys to have a strong mentality. An example would be my cousin, who was always afraid of insects. He will always get away upon seeing an insect or even a lizard. After serving his National Service, if he see an insect that goes towards him too close for comfort, he may just kill it or throw it out of the window. This is an example of someone who went through NS and experienced things that are worse, making these NS boys not take the usual life in Singapore for comfort.

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