Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blog-Writing Prompt #17

Osama bin Laden was recently killed by US Navy SEALs in Pakistan. Before this, he had been "elevated to the realm of evil in American imagination once reserved for dicatators like Hitler and Stalin."

In a SEE paragraph, discuss the following: Was the decision to assassinate bin Laden rather than bring him to trial a justified one?

Include a concrete example to back up your stand.

Be specific with your elaboration

In my opinion, assassinating bin Laden may be a wise decision though the authorities could have brought him up for questioning and then finally getting him to the trial. When they captured bin Laden alive, and they locked him up, other terrorists would start carrying out sadistic actions of kidnapping, torturing, carrying out mass massacres of villages in order to force the authorities to release their figure head. Even during the trial period, there will certainly be unrest in and outside of the country the trial is held at. An example will be Saddam Hussein's trial. During the period of his trial, many of the judges and lawyers which were pressing charges against him were assassinated. So, killing bin Laden is after all not a bad decision, also considering the number of innocent lives which were taken by the terrorist.

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