Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog-Writing Prompt #10

Write about a vivid childhood memory of an event that helped to influence the person you are today.

An event in primary school helped to influence the person I am today and is also an important reason to why I am studying in the school I am studying in today. Back in primary 2, when it is the "streaming" year, where we would be allocated to different classes, according to our academic abilities. During that year, I totally slacked off, and played computer games, watched cartoons, read comics and went cycling with my cousins almost everyday. I only stopped all these during the week before the semestral examinations. However, I did not fully utilise the whole week for revisions. My parents had to resort ot corporal punishments to keep from being restless, and usually it would take 2 days for me to settle down and start "basic" work, because I did not pay attention to teachers in lessons, neither did I do their homework.

The end of year results were devastating and I was being allocated to the last class in standard. So, in primary 3, the experiences in that class, led me to "waking up from my deep dream" and start serious work. Students in that class were all being looked down upon, by some teachers and most of the students. When the teachers were scolding someone fromt the best class, it would always include threats to being transferred into our class. There were even a few times, our form teacher was so angry that she scolded us, "You people are already so stupid. Why can't you people just stop being so restless. You people are going to have a hard time in Primary 6!"

I was furious about the teacher's remarks about us. I decided that I should prove her wrong. Whenever, a fellow school mate sees our class, they will also call it the "Idiot Class" such that the school principal had to address the school and threatened to punish whoever who gave our class names again. I worked hard for that year, and emerged top in standard, even over taking people from the best class. Since then, I have learnt my lesson, and stopped slacking around and screwing up my academic studies.

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