Sunday, February 27, 2011

Book Review on "Call of the Wild"

Hello all,

I have read this book not along ago and I feel that it is worth sharing it with you guys. The book’s title is “Call of the Wild” by Jack London. The protagonist of the book is a dog named Buck and the book is written from the dog's point of view. In the point of view of a dog, we get to observe the lives of humans with all of their strengths and weaknesses.

Being a pampered and honoured pet of a judge, Buck who is a cross-breed between a St. Bernard and a Scotch Shepherd, is sold by an employee who is a gambling addict, to be taken to the Klondike to work as a sled dog.

When Buck is sent to his new environment, he is forced to endure and adapt to the brutal treatment, starvation in order to survive. His harsh and new environment is totally different from the luxurious one he had with his previous owner.
In the Klondike, the dogs are not treated like pets with feelings, and can endure any amount of cruelty. The deaths of these animals are seen only as an inconvenience to the mushers.
As Buck and other sled dogs suffer punishments from whips, clubs, and fangs for disobedience or out of total randomness, humans are frequently shown as thoughtless and cruel, not just to animals but to humans as well.

Buck does encounter one man who becomes his bonded owner. Buck is loyal to his owner in many circumstances right to the end. Through this relationship, the owner portrays that not all men of the Klondike were thoughtless and cruel. There were some ethical men, but many were not of admirable character.
As Buck thrives under the care of his new owner who treats him with kindness, he increasingly learns and explores his primitive instincts. He slowly transforms from a pampered rich man's pet to a tough and seasoned lead dog of the Klondike. Buck develops his ability to kill for food instead of being dependent of humans for nutrients. He is exposed to his wild cousins the wolves and increasingly become interested in interaction with them.

The Call of the Wild is an excellent book to read about the Klondike, but it is not an innocent children's book. It contains violence as well as examples of animal cruelty that while not glorified, may not appeal to all readers. When I first picked up the book, I thought that it was merely a normal dog story. Due to the violence included inside the book, I think that people around my age is most suitable to read the book because our minds are developed and we are able to think in a mature way. This book may also change your point of view towards these dogs, and if you are an owner of a dog and you are sick of it simply because it is too old, I hope that after this book, you may reconsider your actions. Thank you.

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