Friday, February 25, 2011

Book Review on "Animal Farm" :D

I have recently finished reading "Animal Farm". I borrowed the book from my friend from Primary school as he had done literature on it in his secondary school. So, let me share what I feel and a few contents on the book.

Animal Farm, is a bit like the Russian Revolution. There was a meeting of the animals of Manor Farm after the owner, Mr. Jones, went to bed drunk. Old Major, a boar, had a dream of a farm governed by the animals, without Mr. Jones and other humans stealing work, where all the animals were free and equal and worked to support themselves instead of their masters. However, Old Major died before his vision is seen, but two pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, shows his vision and convince the animals that it's possible. The next time Jones treats them cruelly, the animals rebelled, drove him and his wife off the farm, and took it over for themselves.

At first, the rebellion was an amazing success. The farm animals were giddy with joy and quickly changed how everything is done on the farm. Seven basic principles were drawn up:
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

The animals had to do their tasks efficiently and work more collectively, the harvest was the best they had ever seen, and everyone has more food and leisure. The only sign of the trouble to come is that the pigs don't seem to do much of the physical work. The reason for this was that the pigs were the best ones to do the organizing and directing. But slowly, the pigs take more and more control, and principles begin to change conveniently, times get worse, and Napoleon slowly comes into control.

What happens afterwards is a classic example of corruption. Snowball, while making plans to build a windmill, which would would further improve the conditions on the farm, was attacked and chased out of Animal Farm by Napoleon and a pack of ferocious dogs. What follows was that Squealer, who was the propaganda manager, changed the facts by lying to the animals that Snowball was in fact, a traitor, and it was Napoleon who exposed him and chased him out. Through deception and treachery, they turned the animals on Snowball and made them work like slaves, while the pigs and dogs enjoyed themselves. They tried to build the windmill, but it ended up being destroyed every time. It showed the slow change from pigs, to humans. The rules were also changed by the party in power, in this case, Napoleon. They were changed to:

1. Four legs good, two legs better.
2. No animal shall wear clothes.
3. No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.
4. No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.
5. No animal shall kill any other animal.
6. All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.

This story clearly depicts how some humans act in politics when they are in power. They will gain the trusts of the fellow citizens and when they achieved the highest position, they betray the citizens of the country. Forcing them to do things that would only benefit the corrupt leader. They will also go to certain extents by getting rid of people who oppose their rule. The unfortunate country with the corrupt leader would then slide downwards for example from a first world country to a third world country.

Read the book to find out what happened to the farm in the end. Thank you.

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