Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blog-Writing Prompt #9

Pick a scene from your favourite movie and describe the setting in detail.

Use specific sensory details to capture the mood and atmosphere of the scene.

My favourite scene is the battle scene of Helm's Deep in the movie Lord of The Rings - The Two Towers. I like the scene as it shows the battle between man and orcs. It was a total mess, as men and orc alike, fought each other, killing each other in different and fastest methods. Swords and barbaric weapons were being waved around as arrows soared into the sky and miraculously land on an orc. The protagonist of the show is filmed to be the best fighter as almost every stroke he makes with his sword, a limb would fall off the orc or you would see the blade of his sword appearing through the centre of the back of the orc. The sword would be then withdrawn again and brought down a second time, killing the invading beasts.

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